Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The IRB at AU

The Augustana University Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures that the rights and welfare of human participants in research are protected. It is the responsibility of those proposing research with human subjects to be familiar with the Augustana IRB Policy. The rules governing human subject research are described in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 45 CFR 46. The Augustana IRB is federally approved and registered with the Office of Human Research Protections. The board meets regularly during the academic year and as needed — important to keep in mind if a proposal requires a convened or full board review. Investigators, as well as any assistant directly involved in data collection, are required to provide certification of training in the protection of human subjects in research prior to the beginning of the project. 

Full Seal


  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Committee Chair Dr. Benjamin Jeppsen | | 605.274.5470